Driven by an intense passion and a strong desire to create, I started my journey towards being a furniture maker. So, after taking a course to become just that, I started LUNAR Furniture. With this company, I make made-to-measure furniture and interior pieces. Beautiful, unique and durable items, that will bring a lifetime of warmth to your home.

First and foremost, I am a woodworker. It has been my passion for as long as I can remember. Honouring the specific characteristics of each board I work with, that’s what I strive for. However, curiosity is my strength. I taught myself to work with metal, and I’m often searching for new materials and techniques to work with. Inseparably, this also is a quest for sustainability and circularity.

Alongside woodworking, I love nature. Hence the other half of my time, I work as an arborist, caring for trees. And if a tree really has to go, I’m just the guy to give it a second life!